sobota 24. októbra 2015

Have you ever tried gel nails?

Ahojte! Pamätáte si ako som zľahka spomínala niečo o gélových nechtoch? A teraz som ich konečne skúsila po prvý krát! Veľmi sa z nich teším, i keď sa mi to prvé dva dni nepozdávalo. Myslela som si, že tie moje nechty musia byť asi nekvalitné, pretože som cítila stále niečo ťažké na povrchu a bolo to veľmi nepríjemné. No našťastie ako som spomínala, netrvalo to dlho. Keď som si ich nechávala robiť, vládla tam pokojná, relaxačná atmosféra. Slečna sa ma pýtala na každý krok postupne, aby si overila či sa mi jej práca páči alebo nie. Keď mám byť úprimná, nemala som žiadnu predstavu o tom, ako by to celé malo vyzerať, no vedela som, že budú jednoduchšie a na jednom z nich bude kraľovať banánik. Ostatné nechty sú zdobené kryštálikmi, ktoré na svetle odrážajú rôzne farby. S výsledkom som nadmerne spokojná a už rozmýšľam nad novým vzorom, dokonale doplňujúcim moje outfity. A teraz k porovnávaniu! Milujem laky na nechty, ale ako iste viete, pri umývaní riadu sa rýchlo lak z nechtu ošúcha po pár dňoch. Toto je napríklad výhoda gélových nechtov. Vydržia približne 5 týždňov, nelámu sa a ostávajú stále pekné. Aby som nevychvaľovala stále len gélové nechty, tak poviem aj nevýhodu. Pokiaľ si nezvolíte správny vzor a farbu, nemusí vám to ladiť s oblečením a neviete ich žiadnym spôsobom odlakovať, takže na toto pozor. A čo vy? Dávate si spraviť gélové nechty alebo preferujete laky? Dúfam, že sa vám páčil článok a teším sa na vaše reakcie!
Xoxo, Becky
Kontakt na nechty:
 0915 477 574

Hey guys! Do you remember me saying something about gel nails? Now I have them done for the first time! I am grossly delighted about it even though I didn´t like them from the first, I guess just for two days. I just thought my gel nails were grotty, because I could feel something heavy on them and it was very unpleasant, but as said, it didn´t drag on. There was quite nice and relaxing atmosphere when the girl was doing my nails. She was asking me on every step, if I wanted it like that or no. To be honest, I hadn´t have a clear picture about my nails before I went there. All I knew was that I need to have there a picture of banana and I like the result. I decided to have ombre gel nails- pink and white, with little crystals on the top. And now to comparing! I really like nail polishes, but when you do washing up, pattern on your nails is damagged very soon. This is the advantage of having gel nails. The nails are not breaking and they are gorgeous approximately for 5 weeks. On the other hand, if you choose bad colour or pattern, it won´t look well with some clothes from your wardrobe and you can´t do anything about it. I hope you enjoyed this shorter article. Do you also wear gel nails or do you prefer nail polishes? I am looking forward for yor answers and wish you great day!
Xoxo, Becky

10 komentárov:

  1. i have never but i've been hearing superb reviews about them. but i guess you're right about making sure your outfit matches your nails, hahaha there's a downside to every thing huh? maybe neutral colors are better for gel nails then.

    1. I have white mixed with light pink and i guess it is Great matched with everything :) . For me gel nails are much better :)

  2. I have never tried gel nails yet. But I've heard good things about it. So I might give it a try, one of these days. :)

    1. It 's pretty cool :) but choose the pattern very carefully and make sure you really want it :)

  3. I had a gel nailpolish for my toes, and for 1 month, it was flawless. I think it's perfect to have gel nails in summer (for toes expecially) because you're never caught off guard when you want to spontaneously wear sandals.

    1. I can't say really, because i haven't tried yet :) , but thank you for your advice

  4. I used to have them, but they were too much maintenance for me. So I keep natural. But gel ones look lovely, my favourite is French manicure.

    1. Yes they are perfect for every outfit and you have stronger nails :)))

  5. Never got gelish nails done ever but I love the sheen of the nail polish. I have done French manicure several times though. Gel nails look so good on you.

    Fatima I
